Best Courses for Theory of Machines for all competitive Examinations 2023-2024


  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Theory of Machines
  • 2.1 What is Theory of Machines?
    • 2.2 Importance in Mechanical Engineering
    • 2.3 Significance in Competitive Examinations
  • Best YouTube Channels for Theory of Machines
  • Why are these Courses the Best?
  • 4.1 Comprehensive Coverage
    • 4.2 Interactive Learning
    • 4.3 Sequential Chapterwise Approach
    • 4.4 Effective Presentation
    • 4.5 Suitable for Competitive Exams
  • Salient Points Covered in the Courses
  • 5.1 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines
    • 5.2 Mechanisms and Linkages
    • 5.3 Gears and Gear Trains
    • 5.4 Balancing of Rotating Masses
    • 5.5 Cam Mechanisms
  • Sufficiency for GATE, IES, PSU’s, and Similar Examinations
  • 6.1 GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)
    • 6.2 IES (Indian Engineering Services)
    • 6.3 PSU’s (Public Sector Undertakings)
    • 6.4 Other Competitive Examinations
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs
  • 8.1 Are these courses suitable for beginners in Theory of Machines?
    • 8.2 Can I access these courses for free on YouTube?
    • 8.3 How often are the courses updated with new content?
    • 8.4 Are there any assignments or quizzes to test understanding?
    • 8.5 How do I access the additional study materials offered with the courses?


In the field of Mechanical Engineering, Theory of Machines is a crucial subject that deals with the study of mechanisms and their behavior. A strong understanding of this subject is essential for engineers aspiring to excel in various competitive examinations, such as GATE, IES, and PSU’s. To aid students in their preparation, numerous YouTube channels offer excellent Theory of Machines courses. In this blog post, we will explore the best YouTube channels that provide comprehensive and interactive lectures on the subject, empowering students to succeed in their examinations and future endeavors.

Understanding Theory of Machines

2.1 What is Theory of Machines?

Theory of Machines is a branch of Mechanical Engineering that delves into the study of mechanisms and their motion. It involves analyzing the behavior of various machines and mechanical systems, understanding how they function, and designing efficient and safe mechanisms.

2.2 Importance in Mechanical Engineering

Theory of Machines forms the backbone of Mechanical Engineering, as it lays the foundation for designing and analyzing mechanical components and systems. Engineers use this knowledge to develop innovative machines and improve existing ones, leading to advancements in various industries.

2.3 Significance in Competitive Examinations

For engineering students aspiring to pursue higher education or secure coveted positions in PSU’s, Theory of Machines is a vital subject in competitive examinations. A strong grasp of the subject can significantly enhance one’s chances of success in GATE, IES, and other engineering-related tests.

Best YouTube Channels for Theory of Machines

3.1 Channel 1: Unacademy GATE

MechMinds offers an excellent Theory of Machines course with well-structured lectures that cover all the essential topics. The presenter explains complex concepts with clarity, making it easier for learners to comprehend. The channel provides interactive sessions, allowing students to ask questions and clarify doubts during live lectures.

3.2 Channel 2: GATE Academy

ToMLectures provides a comprehensive Theory of Machines course with a sequential chapterwise approach. The lectures are organized logically, enabling students to build a strong foundation step-by-step. The presenter incorporates real-life examples and demonstrations to make the subject more relatable and engaging.

3.3 Channel 3: Tutorialspoint

MachMotion offers a series of lectures on Theory of Machines with a focus on practical applications. The channel covers important topics with a problem-solving approach, helping students understand the real-world significance of the subject. The presenter encourages active participation through quizzes and exercises.

3.4 Channel 4: Ekeeda

TheoryMachinista presents Theory of Machines in an innovative and effective manner. The lectures are engaging and captivating, making the learning experience enjoyable. The channel offers additional study materials and resources to supplement the course.

The Best books of Theory of Machines

  1. Theory of Machines, by Thomas Bevan
  2. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms by John Joseph Uicker, ‎G. R. Pennock, ‎Joseph Edward Shigley
  3. Theory of Machines by SS RATTAN 

Why are these Courses the Best?

4.1 Comprehensive Coverage

Each of these courses provides a comprehensive coverage of the Theory of Machines topics, ensuring that students acquire a thorough understanding of the subject. From basic principles to advanced concepts, the courses leave no stone unturned.

4.2 Interactive Learning

The courses offer interactive learning opportunities, allowing students to engage with the instructors in real time. This interactive approach fosters active learning and helps students clarify doubts as they arise.

4.3 Sequential Chapterwise Approach

The lectures follow a sequential chapterwise approach, making it easier for students to follow the progression of the subject. This systematic organization ensures that students build a strong foundation before delving into more complex topics.

4.4 Effective Presentation

The presenters deliver the lectures with clarity and enthusiasm, keeping the audience engaged throughout the sessions. Their effective presentation style makes even challenging concepts understandable.

4.5 Suitable for Competitive Exams

These courses are designed with competitive examinations in mind. The content is tailored to meet the requirements of GATE, IES, PSU’s, and similar competitive tests, ensuring that students are well-prepared for these exams.

Salient Points Covered in the Courses

5.1 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

The courses cover the principles of kinematics and dynamics, helping students understand the motion and behaviour of machines.

5.2 Mechanisms and Linkages

Students learn about various mechanisms and linkages used in machines, studying their functionalities and applications.

5.3 Gears and Gear Trains

The courses delve into the working principles of gears and gear trains, vital components in mechanical systems.

5.4 Balancing of Rotating Masses

The courses explore techniques for balancing rotating masses, ensuring smooth operation of machines.

5.5 Cam Mechanisms

Students gain insights into cam mechanisms and their applications in mechanical engineering.

Sufficiency for GATE, IES, PSU’s, and Similar Examinations

6.1 GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)

These courses provide comprehensive coverage of Theory of Machines topics, making them sufficient for GATE preparation. Students can use these resources to build a strong foundation in the subject and perform well in the exam.

6.2 IES (Indian Engineering Services)

Aspirants preparing for IES examinations can rely on these courses to gain a thorough understanding of Theory of Machines. The sequential chapterwise approach prepares students effectively for the exam.

6.3 PSU’s (Public Sector Undertakings)

The courses’ comprehensive content and problem-solving approach make them suitable for PSU recruitment exams, where a sound understanding of Theory of Machines is often tested.

6.4 Other Competitive Examinations

Beyond GATE and IES, these courses are valuable resources for various other competitive engineering examinations that include Theory of Machines in their syllabus.


The Theory of Machines is a crucial subject in Mechanical Engineering, and mastering it is vital for success in competitive examinations. The best YouTube channels, such as MechMinds, ToMLectures, MachMotion, and TheoryMachinista, offer comprehensive and interactive courses that empower students to excel in their exams and future engineering endeavors.

With their engaging lectures, problem-solving approach, and additional study materials, these courses cater to learners of all levels and provide a solid foundation in the Theory of Machines. Whether you are a beginner or seeking to deepen your knowledge, these courses are your gateway to success in competitive examinations and beyond.


8.1 Are these courses suitable for beginners in the Theory of Machines?

Yes, these courses are designed to accommodate beginners in the Theory of Machines. The presenters provide clear explanations and a sequential approach to help learners grasp the subject easily.

8.2 Can I access these courses for free on YouTube?

Yes, all the mentioned channels offer their Theory of Machines courses for free on YouTube, making them accessible to a wide audience.

8.3 How often are the courses updated with new content?

The channels consistently update their content, adding new lectures and resources to ensure students have access to the latest information and developments in the field.

8.4 Are there any assignments or quizzes to test understanding?

Yes, some channels include quizzes, assignments, and practice problems to test students’ understanding and reinforce learning.

8.5 How do I access the additional study materials offered with the courses?

The channels usually provide links in the video descriptions or community tabs where students can access additional study materials and resources for their courses.

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